Friday, June 5, 2009

Isakson ... should you know this name?

Johnny Isakson, didn't ring a bell with me. I am not even sure how to pronounce his name. However when I read about him his amendment did ring a bell. He is the Georgia Senator who is continuing to push for the $15,000 tax creddit for consumers - the same tax credit that was nixed from the stimulus bill earlier this year at the 11th hour.

The one thing in the stimulus bill that many believed would actually stimulate some economic growth and recovery. Home buyers, home sellers and all those in and related to the real estate industry were cheering on this proposed amendment.

There is hope. In the May-June 2009 Issue of REBAC magazine the senator is quoted from a Chattanooga, Tennessee businesss forum arguing that, "Our economic crisis started with housing, and our economy will continue to suffer unless we do something now to immediately fix the housing problem."

If you are remotely interested in the housing recovery of this country pay attention to Isakson's tax credit bill which has passed the Senate and awaits action in the House.
Atlanta Business Journal article - February 17th, 2009
February 4th press release by Johnny Isakson

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